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HomeCorporate Governance 》Audit Committee

Audit Committee

A.Capital Futures Audit Committee Members
Title Name Gender Academic Background (Experience)
Independent Director (Convener) Chen, Kuo-Tay Male

Ph.D., Management, McCombs School of Business , University of Texas at Austin
Department of Accounting, National Taiwan University, Professor
Department of Business administration, Purdue  University, Associate Professor,
Taiwan Cooperative Bank Co., Ltd., Director

Independent Director Hsiao, Nai-Ching Female Master of Department of Law, National Chung Hsing University,
Judge of Supreme Court
Independent Director Wu, Yung- Sheng Male

Ph.D. of Law, National Cheng Chi University,
Convener, Trading Commission and Clearing Commission of Taiwan Futures Exchange

B.The operation of the Auditing Committee:
The Auditing Committee is consist of 3 independent directors which qualified by authorities, the composition, duties and operation. It has convened for 5 times (A) in 2023. The attendance of the independent directors is shown below:
Title Name Actual attendance (B) Proxy Attendance

Actual attendance

Independent Director (Convener) Chen, Kuo-Tay 5 0 100.00  
Independent Director Hsiao, Nai-Ching 5 0 100.00  
Independent Director Wu, Yung- Sheng 5 0 100.00